Terms of Use – Welcome to vaddakkachchi

These terms of use outline the conditions governing your access and utilization of vaddakkachchi. encompassing all associated websites and platforms (collectively referred to as the “vaddakkachchi.com”). By accessing the Website, you agree to abide by these terms. It’s essential to review them thoroughly.

Modifications to these terms can occur at any time, with changes becoming effective immediately upon posting. It’s your responsibility to check for updates, and your continued use of the Website signifies your acceptance of any alterations.

The Website may become unavailable at times, and access may be limited to registered users. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate access without prior notice.

Before using the Website, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with our User Commitment, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Community Guidelines. Notify us if you prefer to opt out of data collection or reject cookies.

All intellectual property rights concerning the Website’s content belong to us or our licensors. Utilize the Website and its content solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. Do not download, copy, or exploit content without prior written permission.

Registered users can access their details using their email and password, update profiles, and terminate accounts through customer service.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for comprehensive information on data collection and usage.

Third parties can link to stories on the Website, but reproduction requires express authorization. Third-party sites must not imply affiliation with the Website without approval.

We hold no responsibility for content accuracy or third-party links. Users should independently verify information and seek professional advice. Certain warranties are excluded, and liability is limited. Users indemnify us against losses.

We are not accountable for third-party sites linked from the Website. Users access these sites at their own risk.

Co-branded sites operate independently, and users enter contracts with third-party operators. We hold no liability for dealings or transactions on co-branded sites.

Additional rules govern competitions, prize draws, and promotions. Refer to specific terms and conditions for details.

Submitting material to the Website binds you to contributor terms. Review these terms before contributing.